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Week 2 at FAC 2022

Having a lot of fun working out my colour palette as I think about the buildings, land, sea and the people I spent time with in WA. There’s wonderful memories of outfits I wish I still had and the time I spend in Fremantle as it was the first place I explored by myself. My first leap to walk my path and survive. ‘Old papas’ become a favourite and regular haunt, most weekends I would be sitting at a table drinking coffee as I was drawing and writing my thoughts for the day. My second was the Fremantle Markets, watching the buskers and roaming the markets. When I could afford it, I would treat myself to a crepe from a little French crape shop. I love how busy this little shop was; people would line up to get their favourite combo of crepe. I was lucky effort to spend time at FAC going to events and had a friend who had done workshops there. While she was doing the workshops I would spend time sitting and exploring the buildings.

FAC Artist in Residency 2022

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